Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lizard Tails...

I sat down at my computer, grabbed the mouse and Tristen yells, "Mom, lift up your hand!" After my blood curdling scream, they all DIE laughing.  Cute kids...really, really cute. (refering to detached lizard tail neatly placed on my mouse by Mimi...the cute innocent one!)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You've Been Re-Purposed

     Have you ever been in that place in life when you discover you may be headed down the wrong road? You started out with the best intentions. You planned, strategized and organized your life to the point of perfection. If there was a title to be had, you painted a target on it and went to practice every day to achieve your goal.

     Before you had conquered the first level, you became thirsty for the next title or level in your chosen path.  Constantly competing for the prize.

     Along the way things were looking up, up, up! You had it all and wanted more. Fast paced career in an incredible industry, 4 kids, 2 dogs, a nice 2 story red brick home, an incredible husband and tons of friends. You were living the dream...when out of no where, you discover you have been Re-purposed!

     How does this happen?  I have been asking myself the same question for several months now. We have all heard the terms, Renew, Reuse and Recycle, right? Well, the newest term coined is Re-Purpose.  The definition of the word repurpose is 1.To reuse for a different purpose, on a long-term basis, without alteration. 

What on Earth does that have to do with me or any other human on the planet?  Sometimes, life stops.  There are many different reasons why, not necessarily good or bad, just stopped and when it restarted again, you find have been Re-Purposed?

For me, it has been an incredible blessing.  I started out motivating and training adults as a career and helping them discover their potential, to using all my "professional" skills to now build my own children.  Maybe as a Mom, I needed to go through all of the research and training in a career, in order to be incredibly confident and successful training our family's future.

Have you been Re-Purposed?

I want to hear your story!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time To Circle The Wagons!

I can hardly believe it, the first 5 days of school are behind us. We have had triumphs, meltdowns and happy dances galore! My kids have shown me a side of them that I knew just had to be hiding there all along. They really enjoy learning. They really, really do!

I'm Patti (Super Hero In Training), just a Mom with a mission to help my children to become more successful. I'm sure most if not all of you have similar stories. However, mine is special to me, well.... because its about my very own family. Our journey to Cyber School has been extremely fast and furious. Wait, let me back up...re-write that to say Slow and furious. Yep, thats more like it. Slow and Furious.

Over the last 12 years, we have had children in the public school setting. Every day, the alarm would ring (then get the poo knocked out of it! LOL!), our family would rise and start the day.

"Kids! It's time to get up!" I would yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Do we have toooooo?" extremely sleepy, whiney voices would all chime, almost simultaneously.

"Be downstairs in 15 for breakfast...Shoes, Hair, Teeth, CLEAN SOCKS!", I would remind.

Then, it was, "wheres your homework?", "did you study?", "why do you have detention?", "You want me to sign this for what?".

If you've ever been a Public School parent, you know the routine.

Fifteen minutes later, kisses, hugs and "don't forget your back pack!" and they are out the door. Into the arms of another...

Half an hour later, its your turn to leave. Work for you and your honey.

Eight hours later, (if you're lucky) you stroll back in the door, rush to make dinner, kiss the kids, "Wheres your homework?" "Who pulled your hair?" "What did the teacher say?", "We don't believe that way", "No, you need to remember who your Mommy is", "Why do we have an F in math?", "She wouldn't let you read your favorite story?", "Did you do your chores?", "No time to play today, too much homework and you are failing"....and the list goes on.

This year, we decided, Enough is Enough!

We pulled the plug on my career and brought everyone home. (Except for my Honey, he still works an 1 1/2 hours away!)

It is 'Time to circle the wagons' you could say. In my very first blog, I wrote about, To Cyber School or Not To Cyber School. It gives more detail about why we are here now.

What was your 'Moment'? Was there any one thing that started you on your journey or was a whole bunch of little things?

Are you a long time veteran of schooling at home?

Are you brand new like me?

I want to hear from you. I want to learn from you.

"Help...I'm New!" (voice of Joe Dirt)