Sunday, August 15, 2010

To Cyber School Or Not To Cyber School...That Is The Question?

One of the missing parts we are really looking forward to.
During the last 5 weeks of school last year, our family was in complete turmoil.  Our high school daughter had experienced things in school that no child should.  The bullying had gotten so out of control for her, the Principal of her school suggested we have our daughter placed in ISS (in school suspension) for her own well being.  I couldn't believe this was the solution to the problem......

It was at that point that we decided to look into alternative forms of education.  Now, I must tell you, I am by no means an expert on anything I'm about to discuss.  My area of knowledge comes from first hand experience and the deliberate hours upon hours of research that it took to bring our little family to our present situation.

After scouring the Internet for more than 2 weeks, researching every book I could get my hands on from the library and speaking with every parent that I knew who had chosen to home school, we made our decision.

Texas Connections Academy offered everything we were looking for.  The education that is offered is top notch.  It has been stated that the educational style used at Texas Connections Academy is that of a college preparatory school. 

Most people we speak to about our decision ask us the same questions..."What about socialization, and all stuff they will miss out on like dances, sports, friends?" Heck, our kids asked the same question as did we.  Our answer is simple to give now.  Our kids are very outgoing, fun loving, and active.  There are times when we wish they were not so social.  They have many opportunities to socialize after school at Karate, at the playground, at church, etc.,.   I know it may seem like a radical change, and out of the norm, but we quite frankly are looking forward to many of the missing parts to a traditional brick and mortar Public School.

For us, at this point, the choice seems like it was a simple one, kind of a no brainer. Yeah right!!! Only after WEEKS and WEEKS of research and agonizing!!  Our kids education, safety, well being and self image are hugely important to us.  As parents our decision is made.  This year we will begin a new journey in cyber school. 

Hang with us, we will keep you posted on the progress, the melt downs and the excitement we expect to witness during this new adventure with Texas Connections Academy and The Kilby's!


  1. Thank you for sharing your story! You will not regret the decision to increase the time you have with your family. As for the socialization question, your response is great. Next time someone asks you about socialization, take out your calendar and ask them what day they'd like to get together and do something! :)

  2. Thanks for your candid intro. So sad when kids hurt kids like this--and even worse that the adults really believe that was a viable answer for the situation. So far, we have had a positive experience with my son entering public high school...but as good as it is, he knows we will pull him out in a NY minute if his grades are not up to par OR if any "trouble/attitude" comes home with him on the bus one day!
    Looking forward to sharing this adventure!
